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Nominate Your #Aspinalheroes

Aspinal of London proudly launched #AspinalHeroes on the 2nd April to show our appreciation to those at
the forefront of the current COVID-19 crisis we are currently facing as a nation.

Over 4 weeks we have rewarded over 450 #AspinalHeroes with a personalised surprise gift to brighten up their week
and say thank you for the amazing work they are doing.

Heroes have been all ages, sometimes wearing a uniform but a number of our heroes have been ordinary people doing
extraordinary things - whether it's working on the front line as part of the NHS or going above and beyond to help their
local community we are proud to have recognised and celebrated their remarkable acts of kindness.

Our #AspinalHeroes Nominations

A huge thank you to everyone who nominated their #AspinalHeroes who are going above and beyond to help their community and our country to get through this crisis. It has been truly overwhelming and inspirational reading through all of the heroic, generous and selfless acts of kindness people are doing on a daily basis. We are incredibly proud to share the first week's selection of nominations to receive a gift as a token of our gratitude. We are taking nominations for the next three weeks so please remember to share your #AspinalHeroes with us.

We at Aspinal of London continue to be incredibly grateful for their hard work.

*Please note winners below represent the #AspinalHeroes who gave consent for their name to be shared.
Due to GDPR, we cannot share the names of all winners.